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What does the TBID do? We fund art installations on Telegraph Avenue including murals, sculptures, and our iconic peace symbol bike racks. We organize and fund events such as the Berkeley World Music Festival, Grateful Day, and Blues on the Avenue. We advocate for protected bicycle tracks, and with the ASUC, for more student housing on the Southside. Our ambassadors clean the streets seven days a week, picking up litter and removing graffiti. We work closely with City and UC social workers to get folks housed. We work to create community.

Mission Statement

The Telegraph Business Improvement District works to build a dynamic and inclusive community that works together to improve the pedestrian environment; keep the streets safe and clean; support local businesses, residents, and non-profits; nurture urban innovation that is sustainable, attractive, and inclusive; and relish its prime location in Berkeley adjacent to the best public university in the world.

Our Ambassadors at Work


Enter description text here.

Interactive Banner


TBID's Ambassadors clean miles of sidewalks and greet thousands of visitors each year. Our staff works hard every day, coordinating cleaning, safety, and hospitality services; marketing the district; assisting small businesses and other stakeholders; providing a voice for the district through partnership with the City of Berkeley and University of California; and providing other crucial services that would not otherwise exist.

Example Project

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Beautification of Telegraph by our ambassadors

Key Phone Numbers:


Ambassador Hours of Operation


Ambassador 1

This would be the person's bio if we have photos and bios of each

Duis sodales sodales eros nec suscipit. Phasellus tellus nisi, viverra vitae lacus sit amet, varius varius elit. Fusce congue blandit molestie. Morbi fringilla nisi eu lacinia placerat. Donec rutrum aliquam mauris, eget finibus eros egestas eu. Aliquam molestie lorem luctus nunc imperdiet luctus vitae ut arcu. Maecenas condimentum cursus diam vel viverra. Nulla imperdiet, elit sagittis convallis molestie, leo ante consectetur felis, non elementum magna sem at dolor. Nam imperdiet eleifend est nec venenatis. Morbi lacinia facilisis accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In ut aliquam nunc. Quisque in blandit diam, ut condimentum neque.