The first brick-and-mortor location for the famed East Oakland Food truck.
East Oakland’s taco truck titans have put it in park with this Berkeley taqueria, which is making its name as a Mexican fave in the Bay Area. Sinaloa’s logo is a smiling shrimp holding a taco, so your first choice may be the top-notch shrimp tacos (full of plump, succulent, spice-rubbed shrimp). However, rest assured that there’s more in store: smoky carnitas with fiery red chili salsa, tender roast chicken and beautifully caramelized al pastor. For the adventurous eater, there’s tripe, suadero and pork stomach, too.
Like the truck, this operation is no frills: pay at the counter, grab some plastic utensils and seat yourself. But with food this good—and prices so low that even a penniless Cal student can afford to dine—who needs frills?